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Research Activities

Information Box Group

Juanita De Barros

Project on colonial institutions and children’s welfare in the British Caribbean. This SSHRC-funded comparative project focuses on exploring the experiences of children in colonial reformatories and industrial schools in the British Caribbean in the first half of the 20th century. This work includes a focus on the impact of contemporary ideas about race, gender, and class.

Ameil Joseph

Research project on Immigration Detention and Deportation Policies. This project involves critical race theory, critical disability studies, criminal justice research, postcolonial studies, ethics and social justice research.

Benson Honig

Research projects on social entrepreneurship and indigenous movements in Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil, and community engagement projects in Hamilton. This includes work on social movements, indigenous social entrepreneurship, immigrant integration, and gender studies. Projects also encompass community engagement research and teaching with the Integrated Business and Humanities (IBH) program.

Bonny Ibhawoh

The Confronting Atrocity Projectis a SSHRC-funded project on truth commissions and politics of memory in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. The Confronting Atrocity Project has created a research network of expert scholars, practitioners, community partners and graduate students working on restorative justice projects in 16 countries. It has developed partnerships with several institutions, think tanks and organizations involved in human rights, social justice and civic inclusion research.

Chandrima Chakraborty

Research on race and nation-making in Canada, transnational histories of violence, politics of memorialization, racial grief, and collective narratives of trauma. SSHRC-funded research project, “History, memory, grief: The Air India project,” focuses on developing an archive of the 1985 Air India tragedy at McMaster.

Eugène Nshimiyimana

Research project on genocide history, literature and memorialization practices in Rwanda.

Faiza Hirji

Current research projects include analysis of media representations of Muslim women, a study of religion and nationalism in Bollywood film, an examination of the hate/free speech debate with regard to Islamophobia, and the coordination of a special journal issue on racism and colonialism in Canadian communication studies. All of these studies incorporate theories on critical race, post colonialism and feminism, and ask how media can be central to advancing or preventing justice.

Karen Balcom

Community-engaged research and teaching in histories of women’s rights movements and social inequalities. This includes research and teaching with the Integrated Business and Humanities Program (IBH)

Michael Egan

Research on catastrophic history and the history of the future with special focus on environmental justice.

Nancy Doubleday

Research on international and domestic law relating to human rights, health and environmental sustainability.

Nibaldo Galleguillos

Research on catastrophic history and the history of the future with special focus on environmental justice. Research on human rights and military intervention in Latin America and Africa with a focus on the political role of the judiciary in Chile.

Bonny Ibhawoh / Paul Emiljanowicz

Participedia is the world’s largest open-access global crowdsourcing platform for researchers, activists, practitioners, and anyone interested in public participation and democratic innovations. Phase 1 of Participedia focused on generating research and knowledge mobilization, documenting over 1600 cases and 330 methods of democratic innovation from around the world and did so by developing an inclusive open-sourced web-based platform. Participedia Phase 2 based at McMaster University received a $2.5 million Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. At McMaster, Participedia has expanded the scope of research to 5 new targeted areas and implemented a research and knowledge mobilization co-design process to reflect the interdisciplinary and complex nature of democratic innovations and issues. Over the past six months, Participedia has organized a new Teaching, Training and Mentoring Committee, conducted extensive editorial work, developed a communications team and social media strategy, initiated a student run podcast, and led co-design workshops. The CHRRJ has been a key source in offering RA support for case production and editorial work for the release of a series of essays with Public Agenda that are being released on Apolitical.